Wednesday, September 19, 2012

DAY 11.

{Sept. 11, 2012}
DAY 11:
"What's in your make up bag?"

Well, since it is summertime {or the end of summertime...Thank God!} my make up consists of bronzer, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and a lip gloss of some sort.

What's great about summer as any girl knows is that a nice summer tan makes for less making being worn. It's a great thing to have tan skin :) 


  1. Wait, so do you ever wear foundation? As your ex-roomie, I should know this, but I don't. LOL

    1. Well, no. I don't wear foundation anymore. I used to, but now I only wear powder as a "base" or "foundation." But during the summer I only wear bronzer.


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