Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Halloween 2014

I've been trying to post this for months. Every time I did it would say "failed." So let me try again...

For Halloween: Hadley was "Elsa" from Frozen (of course). And Hayden was a little baby skeleton. When we went to buy Hadley's Elsa costume they were all sold out. Hadley said she saw a dress in the clothes section that was a costume. She said since it had a tutu that it was a costume. So I went with it to avoid tears of not getting to be Elsa. Buy an Elsa dress with a tutu. Add a princess crown and BOOM. You have Elsa.
... And more importantly, it was a LOT cheaper! 

We just found this little pajama set for brother to wear. When I picked it out Hadley saw it and said, "That's too scary. I'm walking away now." 

The weekend before Halloween, Cindy (Lee's Aunt) and I took the kids over to Leslie and Nic's church's carnival. Hadley LOVES blow up toys and games. 

We also discovered she is VERY competitive. The picture below is of her racing another little girl. It's was a blow up obstacle course. The last part of the race is to race to the top and slide down to win. The picture on the left is her coming over the top. The picture on the right is her getting over the top and seeing the other girl at the bottom and realizing she had lost. She yelled "OH MAN!!!!" 

After this she made Aunt Leslie race her. She said, "you're NOT going to beat me!" 

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